6 Signs that you Need to Hire a Piano Repairing Service

 Pianos have always had an important place in many homes. People buy pianos for both their decorative and functional value. Like any other instrument, pianos get old with time. So, a piano needs maintenance and repairs to keep doing its job. 

Pianos go through different types of damage. They can go out of tune or have sticky keys, etc. So, there will be signs for you to hire a piano technician or tuner.

In this blog, we will describe warning signs for hiring a piano repair service.

When do you Need a Piano Repaing Service? 

Pianos are often the instrument which keeps music alive in a house. If your house is one of them, you should not ignore these signs of damage. 

  • If the Pianos Go Completely Out of Tune

Pianos can go out of tune for many reasons. You need piano tuning at regular intervals as a part of maintenance. So, you do not have to hire a repair service whenever the piano is out of tune. Notice how often you are tuning the piano. If you are tuning the piano frequently, there are chances that it is broken. The machine within is unable to hold the strings in place. As a result, it is often out of tune.

Ensure to hire a piano tuning and repair service to repair the strings and the machine within the piano.

  • When the Keys are Soft

Check if the keys are soft. The keys of the piano should feel bouncy. They should reach your fingers when you play them. When the keys lay underneath, you cannot play the piano properly. You should understand the working of the keyboard and know if your keys are fine. So, if you face difficulty in playing the piano due to this reason, contact a piano repair service. 

  • If there are Buzzing Sounds 

Pianos can give out a buzzing or rattling sound when played. The strings of the instrument are attached to a coil at the end. These coils can get damaged due to dust accumulation over the years. When these coils get loose, they give out a rattling sound. 

The buzzing sound also occurs due to dust accumulated on the fallboard or other instrument parts. This can be fixed by either cleaning or replacing the parts. If you are not confident, hire a piano maintenance service for help.

  • When the Wheels of the Piano are Wobbling

Your pianos are not safe to play when the wheels or the legs of the instrument are wobbling. Contact a piano maintenance service to keep the legs in place or replace the wheels. Ask the piano technician how long the legs and the wheels will last. Do not use the piano unless you get it fixed.

  • If the Piano Hammers Sound Metallic 

The hammers of the piano can sound metallic when they are damaged. This will also affect the strings. So, if you can hear a metallic sound from the piano, call piano technicians to check the hammers. Get your pianos repaired every year to allow the sound to disappear.

  • When Notes do not Sound Fine 

The notes of the piano might not sound well. Although this problem is easily noticeable, you cannot identify the cause. Notes can sound off due to various reasons. So, you should hire a piano tuning and repair service to diagnose the issue. Notes can sound odd due to a misaligned hammer, a torn string, or even if the piano needs tuning.

So, these are several signs that you need to call a piano technician for servicing. Ensure to hire a reliable piano servicing company for tuning and repairs. There are various piano servicing companies operating in Hampshire.


Pianos need maintenance and servicing as they age. They can develop many faults as we use the instrument. Some of the faults are even caused due to accumulation of dust and debris. So, you have to trust an experienced piano repair service for more help. It is also essential to get a maintenance service twice a year to increase the life span of the instrument. Ensure to contact a piano maintenance service as soon as you notice any of the above-mentioned issues. This will allow you to use the piano for the longest time possible.


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